SimTrader is currently in Beta

Why use SimTrader to buy and sell your gear?

Our top priority is creating a secure and trustworthy platform for Sim Racing enthusiasts to buy and sell gear.

To achieve this, we have implemented a series of measures designed to foster trust and maintain a safe environment for both buyers and sellers.

KYC Seller Verification

We require every seller on our platform to undergo a Know Your Customer (KYC) verification process. This involves providing personal identification documents and proof of address to confirm their identity, ensuring a higher level of security and transparency for all transactions.

Trust and Safety Board

Our community plays an essential role in maintaining trust on SimTrader. We have implemented a trust and safety board via our Discord Community, where members can vouch for and endorse other buyers and sellers, helping to identify and weed out bad actors.

SimTrader is dedicated to creating a safe and reliable marketplace for our users. By implementing these measures, we aim to foster trust and promote a strong sense of community among sim racing enthusiasts. Our commitment to security and transparency allows users to buy and sell with confidence, knowing they are part of a community that values trust above all else.

Trust First
Verification Required

To avoid scams and fraud at SimTrader we prioritse trust and verification. In order to list an item for sale you have to go through our verification process. It is super quick and only needs to be done once.

What you Need
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